Tuesday, 9 February 2010

And these are the days

Gorgeous photo blog here

Unattainable Beauty

The decade's most egregious retouching scandals after the jump.

Q&A with Jamie Hayon


Couture Week - Paris


Hit the jump to see images from Cameron Silver at Couture Week ...

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Jesse Hazelip

More here.

Christopher Payne's Photographs of Old Mental Asylums

More here.


We are a collective of six designers and artists who live in Halle and Berlin. We work and create within the sub-cultural areas of comic, illustration and urban art. KLUB7 was founded in 1998. Since then, we have been realizing various wall and interior design projects. KLUB7’s fresh, authentic, urban style that is characterized by its long-year activity within the scene, is captivating.

Find a neat film of their work here and their website here.